Thursday 16 October 2014

A Pharaoh Abroad - A Pro at Swimming!?


A Pro at Swimming!?

Today after breakfast while we were swimming, Dad learned how to swim without any equipment! I was very proud of him! He was also proud with himself, go Dad go! We all then got into the jacuzzi to cool off. Super started flirting with Bonnie by blowing bubbles shaped like her, he even had the cheekiness to make one of him and her holding hands. Dad says I’m jealous and that I like Bonnie! I was outraged so I stormed out of the jacuzzi to be a civilised person unlike those idiots!

After I had cooled down and had a breather, we all happily went to Coffee World in Tesco Lotus. Dad and I shared some delicious ham and cheese sandwiches, yum. Joss then challenged Isaac at a Karate game. Joss embarrassingly got thrashed by Isaac by a kick to the head and a knee to the stomach, HARSH!

After a swim in the pool we went to Jill’s BBQ night at her hotel. Dad and I shared mixed meat. While we waited, we went on the beach eeeping and screeching wildly. Dad and I had a leisurely stroll down a strip of land. When we got to the end we saw the sun in all its glory painting the sky red and orange as it set winking at us as if saying “sleep tight tonight I’ll be back”. It was the most beautiful and inspiring moment I can recall. After the event we were called back to the table heaped with steaming plates of delicious food. While we were eating we met a local cat called Meow. Dad and I gave her some food and she happily gobbled it up until the service people shooed her off, poor cat. Afterwards we talked the long night away killing time.

Mummi with a bit of help from Joss Abbs-Brown, aged 10.

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