Thursday 2 October 2014

A Pharaoh Abroad - But a Lotus is a Flower!


But A Lotus is A Flower!

After we had breakfast we got a taxi to Tesco Lotus. As soon as we got there we happily looked in the shops. Dad and I couldn’t help to peel our eyes off a really cute ginger bread man. We then looked around Tesco Lotus. We bought some food and got a taxi back to our villa. 

We went swimming for a while. I’m glad to say that I did not encounter any of the sarcastic seaweed. I remember once when I saw a bunch of them and they pointed and jeered at me shouting “Hail the Prince of Nile!” and then one would point out and call back “NOT!!!” and then they would all laugh. 

Soon it was time for dinner so we met up with Jill at Zico’s, a very expensive Brazilian Buffet. When we were seated we were showed the starter bar. Dad and I had some Minestrone soup. It was deliciously and tropically fantastic. We also had some very tender meat which included pork, chicken and duck. But I’m not really much of a meat fan. Therefore I did not eat much. We had a chat and caught up with each other. Jill soon said goodbye and departed and so did we. We waited for a taxi driver we were acquainted with very well, Kate. Kate soon picked us up and dropped us off at our villa. Dad and I had some pink milk for our bed time drink.

Mummi with a bit of help from Joss Abbs-Brown, aged 10.

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