The Aquarium
Today, after breakfast, Sak, our favourite taxi driver, took us the Aquarium. On the journey we saw bars and cafes opening up just in time for the long gruelling day ahead. We could also see the sea as the sun reflected off it like a moth is attracted to light. My eyes couldn’t pull away from the sea’s menacing glare.
When we arrived we decided to have a drink. Dad and I had lemon flavoured Lipton Ice Tea, yum refreshing! Soon afterwards we wandered into the Aquarium. We bought some fish food to feed the fish. Dad and I gave some to some fish on the way in.
In the Aquarium it was as if you were under water as there were so many different species of fish, from the cute and beautiful clown fish to the dangerous and deadly reef shark. Yet all were captivating in their own unique way.
There was also a big cat section. I was so outraged at what they did to them, as they were locked up so tightly with just enough room to move their weary legs. Their eyelids were drooping as if their eyes were weighed down or as if they were drugged. They also kept an endangered and rare snow leopard under lock and key when it should taste the sweet nectar of victory over a wild prey bought down time and time again.
As I was getting too angry, my dad and my family made haste to the restaurant for lunch on the beach. Dad and I yet again had Pad Thai, and then we went rushing onto the beach. Dad and I made a sand rambling isle we called it Cliff Junior. We were then called back to the table. Dad and I did not like the Pad Thai so we didn’t eat much. After everyone else had finished their meal we all made our way to the Sea Lion show.
As we sat down the audience grew and soon the show started. I was amazed how the Sea Lions clapped and whooped at their own performances and their colleague’s performances. They also jumped through hoops and bounced balls on their noses, it was fantastic! At the end of the show everyone stood up and clapped their hands and applauded, showering their admiration down on the tamed beasts. The last thing of the show was when they all clumsily took their bows.
Afterwards we all got a picture with a cute little tiger cub. Ned though had a picture with a big female. I was scared he might get hurt but he didn’t. Soon it was time for the last and final show the Bird and Tiger show, ta daaah!
I loved how the birds rode bikes and flew round and round causing wave after wave of dizziness. However my favourite event was when they pecked off a little boy’s hat. However, he wasn’t agreeable and started crying.
I was disgusted at what they made the tigers do, jumping through flaming hoops, climbing over suspended pieces of rope at the height of around four metres! I was gladly relieved when they released the poor beasts. Sak then took us home to our villa.
Dad, Jani, Ned, Isaac, Super, and I got ready to go for dinner, whilst Shakira and Ian stayed behind.
Our taxi driver Liam took us to Choeng Mon. We met up with Jill at the Long Table. Dad and I had blue crab delicious! It was lovely and spicy, it’s definitely better than some plagues, yuck! For dessert Dad and I shared a banana flambé. It was so cool how they set fire to it! It was really sweet and fresh. Isaac and Super thought flambé was a funny name and giggled and repeated the word in a girlish voice whenever it was mentioned.
Mummi with a bit of help from Joss Abbs-Brown, aged 10.
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